On Health
How do you get illnesses and diseases?
Although the people of today suffer much in their daily lives, there is a way to reduce this suffering and to restore health. Before we tackle these problems, we have to know what these problems are and where these problems originate in order to prevent them.
Psychologically, there are many dangers to be guarded against such as addictions. One of these is undue indulging to the extreme in foods and drinks which include cold drinks, cold food, sugar, deserts, raw vegetables and fruits. All these cold and moisture filled foods and drinks add dampness around the organs like the spleen and stomach and contribute to causing depression in the mood of the consumer.
The negative energy of this coldness and moisture blocks the fine channels of vulnerable organs such as the spleen, stomach, bladder, cervix and ovaries until cancer is developed.
Why does this negative energy cause cancer? It is because this negative energy will seek a downward path. Therefore the negative energy reaches the cervix and ovaries as the lowest point. This damp and moist energy accumulates and occupies this space and blocks the channels of these tissues until cancer is gradually developed.
The over consumption of alcohol and soft drinks should also be avoided as these drinks contain too many chemicals. These chemicals can reduce and lower immunity significantly. The best way to deal with such threats is to develop a new life style by understanding and adopting Taoist theory and training. Taoist training develops an internal balance in order to prevent negative energies from initially developing or dispersing the accumulation of negative energies.
Taoist theory and practice helps you to develop powerful positive energy internally by collecting energy from nature which shields you from negative energy, creating a positive atmosphere in every aspect of your life. Today people face many unexpected challenges in many areas of life than ever before. Especially prominent are the challenges of addiction which are not only related to food, drugs and alcohol but also technology.
Wherever you may go, you can easily see people with a mobile phone in hand, completely distracted and consumed to the exclusion of all else. The utility of such modern devices creates an unhealthy addiction that has severe negative consequences on the health of the user. Taoist theory and training helps to break such addictions in whatever form they appear.
- Diet & Health (1)
- Feng Shui (1)
- General Lifestyle (6)
- Internal Training (4)
- Retreat information (1)
- Taoist Text (7)