0414 48 4581 North Ryde NSW, Australia


Retreat is the second sublimation of regular training

Laozi Academy offers an unforgettable holiday retreat combining a perfect balance of Taoist training, relaxation, sampling of exquisite cuisines and exploring magnificent nature locations along with symbolic Taoist sites. You will be fully relaxed, energetic and empowered through the retreat.
Laozi Academy Taoist training will be conducted during our stay at Hua Shui Wan Hot Spring Resort, Sichuan Province. Hua Shui Wan is located at the foothill of Xiling Snow Mountain. It resembles Baden Baden in Germany and is one of the few places in the world that contain a high concentration of negative ions (oxygen) as high as 40,000/cm3. Training here will help cleanse your inner self, provide you with a peaceful state of mind and make you feel revitalized. Unlike other tourist agencies, our retreat offers unique time to unwind and recharge at various sites. In addition to taking a dip in the hot springs and connecting with nature, you will be able to enjoy delicious healthy cuisine whilst exploring the breath taking ancient landscapes China has to offer.

Click the image below for more details about our next retreat info.


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